Compliance: Page 72
Performance Food Group to pay $5M to settle claims it failed to hire women
The EEOC said that "eliminating barriers based on sex or other protected characteristics remains an EEOC enforcement priority."
By Lisa Burden • Dec. 21, 2020 -
Deep Dive
5 questions to ask before adopting a coronavirus vaccine policy
Vaccines are still one arrow in an employer's COVID-19 quiver, an attorney told HR Dive. Incentives and education may also be preferable to mandates.
By Ryan Golden • Dec. 21, 2020 -
Explore the Trendline➔
Adeline Kon/HR DiveTrendlineInside the rapidly changing world of compliance
The HR landscape is ever-shifting, leaving compliance professionals to meet today’s requirements while keeping an eye on the future.
By HR Dive staff -
The biggest workplace compliance moments of 2020
A year-end review affirms that 2020 was about more than the pandemic.
By Katie Clarey • Dec. 21, 2020 -
Trump signs coronavirus relief bill without demanded revisions
The bill extended FFCRA tax credits and provided more than $284 billion in Paycheck Protection Program loans.
By Ryan Golden • Updated Dec. 28, 2020 -
NIH security contractor will pay $1.6M to settle claim manager complained of 'too many Africans'
Despite "dozens of complaints to MVM corporate,"the company failed to take action and retaliated against those who opposed the unlawful treatment, the EEOC said.
By Lisa Burden • Dec. 18, 2020 -
NYC passes 'just cause' job protections for quick-service restaurant employees
Two bills passed Thursday, with one stating employers must take disciplinary steps before termination and the other requiring seniority be considered during layoffs.
By Alicia Kelso • Dec. 18, 2020 -
DOL strengthens religious exemption for federal contractors
In part, the rule expands the exemption to include for-profit organizations and other groups whose purpose "is substantially religious."
By Ryan Golden • Dec. 18, 2020 -
Shareholders allege Pinterest ignored widespread discrimination
An increasing number of shareholder lawsuits claiming that company officials allowed misconduct have been filed, according to attorneys.
By Lisa Burden • Dec. 17, 2020 -
Employers can require proof of COVID-19 vaccination — with some exceptions, EEOC says
The agency described several points at which vaccine mandates could intersect with the ADA, Title VII and GINA.
By Ryan Golden • Updated Dec. 16, 2020 -
Jury must determine whether assistant's firing covered up leave discrimination
The employee was fired for performance issues shortly after she notified her employer of her need for intermittent leave.
By Katie Clarey • Dec. 16, 2020 -
Walgreens to settle California bag check suit for $4.5M
Several employers have been taken to court over such policies in California, where wage and hour requirements are more stringent than federal law.
By Lisa Burden • Dec. 16, 2020 -
SCOTUS won't decide whether ADA protects workers who can't comply with safety rules
The act "simply does not mandate that a safety requirement be a part of the essential functions of a position for an employer to enforce it," the 4th Circuit opined last year.
By Lisa Burden • Updated Oct. 4, 2021 -
Employer's failure to follow progressive discipline policy wasn't fatal to age bias defense
The Texas hospital had specifically reserved the right to impose the disciplinary level appropriate to each circumstance, the 5th Circuit noted.
By Lisa Burden • Dec. 14, 2020 -
Eleazar, Satria. (2020). Retrieved from Pexels.
How positive COVID-19 tests, underlying conditions intersect with the FMLA
Jeff Nowak, shareholder at Littler Mendelson, identified two court cases that may guide employers in situations involving COVID-19 risks.
By Ryan Golden • Dec. 14, 2020 -
NLRB: Nestle illegally fired worker for reporting racist comment
The decision is notable in its invocation of a January case that overturned prior board precedent.
By Ryan Golden • Dec. 14, 2020 -
11th Cir.: Publix driver fired for lying, not national origin
The employer's handbook was clear that "dishonesty alone may lead to employment termination," the court noted.
By Lisa Burden • Dec. 10, 2020 -
DOJ sues Facebook, says company 'reserved' open jobs for temporary visa holders
The company's alleged practices "discriminate against U.S. workers" and have "adverse consequences" for visa holders, the agency said.
By Ryan Golden • Dec. 10, 2020 -
Automatic gratuities aren't tips under the FLSA, 4th Cir. says
Still, the court vacated and remanded a lower court's application of the statute's 7(i) exemption.
By Katie Clarey • Dec. 10, 2020 -
Del Taco settles claims of 'almost daily' sexual harassment at California stores
The unchecked behavior from the general manager emboldened other male workers to engage in it as well, EEOC alleged.
By Lisa Burden • Dec. 7, 2020 -
DOL clarifies pay rate calculations for piece-rate workers
The department has issued a number of opinion letters in the past year addressing what may be included in an employee's regular rate for FLSA overtime calculation purposes.
By Ryan Golden • Dec. 7, 2020 -
Smashburger settles racial harassment claims
The agreement calls for the restaurant to revise its anti-discrimination policies and implement training for supervisors, management and HR.
By Lisa Burden • Dec. 4, 2020 -
DOL fails to prevent debarred employers from obtaining contracts, GAO says
The agency did not properly inform other federal agencies of wage violations, the congressional watchdog concluded.
By Lisa Burden • Dec. 4, 2020 -
Parties settle landmark transgender bias suit following SCOTUS decision
R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes will pay $250,000 to settle the lawsuit that appeared before the U.S. Supreme Court.
By Katie Clarey • Dec. 3, 2020 -
3rd Cir. reverses NLRB finding that publisher's tweet violated labor law
The agency "lost the forest for the trees" in issuing its decision and order, the court said.
By Ryan Golden • Updated May 23, 2022 -
Former NHL official alleges retaliation for opposing racist statements
The plaintiff claimed he was fired after sharing evidence during an internal investigation.
By Aman Kidwai • Dec. 1, 2020